BAM! Baird Artists Management Consulting

6 Mar. - 15 Oct. 2024


Check out two of our hottest acts: The Slocan Ramblers: and Switchback:

Robert Baird – BAM! Baird Artists Management Consulting

Robert Baird is President of BAM! Baird Artists Management Consulting in Toronto, and an acknowledged expert in international touring including visas, withholding and taxation. For many years, Mr. Baird ran a booking agency in Toronto, Canada with an international roster of performing artists in musical theatre, instrumentalists, vocal artists and performing groups in all genres. He is former President of NAPAMA (North American Performing Arts Managers and Agents), and served on the Executive Board as VP of Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO). Mr. Baird is Past- President of OAPN (Ohio Arts Professionals Network) and served as APAP (Association of Performing Arts Professionals) Showcase Coordinator and Board Treasurer of The King’s Singer’s Global Foundation. Mr. Baird is an A.F.M. Booking Agent and an Acceptance Agent for the I.R.S. He is well-known for his columns on “Crossing Borders” in International Musician and IFEA’s “ie”. BAM now represents The Slocan Ramblers, a bold, dynamic Bluegrass group.


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